Friday Link Roundup
This week Sarai had to rush to fit in some last minute work before her much anticipated trip to Stockholm and Copenhagen. She’s over there now exploring and having a good time.
The rest of the week I was by myself in our pretty studio working on some upcoming posts and projects for y’all. It’s times like these that I wish we had a studio cat. We couldn’t name her Colette but maybe Coco would work. While Sarai and I have talked about having one around, it’s not very likely as there are too many hazards for a kitty (pesky sewing pins and fluffs of threads on the floor). When Sarai leaves for vacation I always draw a picture of an imaginary studio cat and leave it on her desk. If we can’t have a real one, a drawn one will do.
I found some fun links for you this week and I couldn’t help but add one kitty related link!
- If you’re feeling inspired from our lace inserts post, check out Aya’s tutorial on adding pretty lace to a cardigan
- The details on this embroidered sleeve are simply amazing
- Catnip heart toys are a fun way to use up your fabric scraps
- If you have a beautiful antique sewing machine this post will show you how to clean it properly
- The weather is getting warmer here in Portland and this milkshake looks absolutely delicious and a perfect warm day treat
Do you have any special plans this weekend? I’ve got to work on my spring palette, I’ve fallen behind since I’ve been spending more time gardening than sewing. Hopefully I’ll have something to share with you next week. Have a great weekend!
May 11, 2012 #
When my boss asked me what I would like as an extra on top of my wage, I asked for a black office cat named Coco :-) (how weird is that?) Unfortunately, I work for a large insurance company, and I got a bonus instead. But I do still love the idea of an office cat. Is it me, or are seamstresses mostly animal lovers too?
May 11, 2012 #
Oh, you’ll be fine with a cat in the studio. If you adopt an older kitty who was previously loved by a sewer or other crafty person, you’ll be in good shape. My kitty ignores pins. Thread bundles, not so much- but a small trashcan by the machine helps a lot with that. He is more interested in actual toys and snoozing in the sunlight patch. An occasional yard of muslin on the floor provides a lot of entertainment too.
Elizabeth Cake
May 11, 2012 #
So cute! And your Friday round-up is great
I can’t believe I missed your shout-out for crafty bloggers last month! I blog about vintage craft books and include sewing, knitting and crochet patterns when possible. My latest post at even has a kitty theme…
I’d be delighted to be included on any future Fridays
Happy weekend to all
Louise Kure
May 11, 2012 #
Hey Caitlin
When exactly is Sarai in Copenhagen? – and why? I live in Copenhagen, so it could be great to meet her :)
Happy weekend
May 11, 2012 #
Cats like to “help” so much when one is sewing. My sewing area is in the laundry room (separate from the apartment, but part of the common area I share with upstairs). My cats never fail to follow me out of the apartment, sit on my lap, ironing board, fabric and whatever project I am working on or trying to keep free of cat hair. I still love them, but I need to lock them away most of the time when sewing.
Though, my office could do with a soothing kitty prescence.
I also have gilcee of a painting of a cat named Coco who lived to be 24 years old. The artist painted her on her favorite windowsill one evening and the colors are amazing.
One more thing–your “imaginary cat” I think would make for nice nice embroidery on a kitchen item.
paige p @ luxperdiem
May 11, 2012 #
My dog ate a sewing needle once, 1700$ dollars later he’s fine, but banned from my sewing room. The vet said she’s never seen a dog come in with a needle in their stomach, but has at least a few cats a month she has to remove needles and pins from. I’d say it’s a safer bet to keep all animals out of your sewing space.
I’m also running a giveaway in line with my pallet challenge! 100$ for to buy those accessories you can’t make yourself. If you feel so inclined check it out!
This really isn’t meant to be spammy and sorry if it comes across that way! I’d love to give the prize to a fellow Colette lover!
Anna K
May 11, 2012 #
If you get an office cat, why not name her Saha after the cat in the book by Colette?
May 11, 2012 #
Kitty hazards, indeed! I once had 2 black cats (sisters) ,Circe and Vesta. Circe got shut in my sewing room once, and ended up eating a threaded needle! The thing was, I didn’t know she had eaten it until she had trouble using the litter box and I saw that she had actually passed the needle. The major problem was that there was a large snarl of thread caught in her intestine. She eventually passed the entire thing and lived with us for another 7 years or so before she ran away. It cost us a lot of money to take her to the emergency vet and have x-rays done.
Some cats totally ignore thread, pins and needles. Some will get into anything. It’s always better to be safe.
May 11, 2012 #
I love your cat sketch! Hope you get to sew this weekend!
May 14, 2012 #
Love the sketch :)… I somethimes think sewers, knitters, crocheters all tend to be cat lovers…. or at least animal lovers – so great:).
I have three cats of totally different temperament and have never had a problem with sewing stuff… except of course for everything being covered in cat hair. I have two white cats – one a persian, the other one is half angora – so long fluffy cat hair!
Anyway – number three is a sleepy old lady who never played in her life – or at least the last 7 years, I adopted her from a shelter when she was 12 and highly recommend adopting old cats…. Other two are very playful in different ways – Percy the persian is an interactive player who loves playing with anything hanging – Bechamel aka White Fang is a savage destructive little demon who chucks things down on the floor…. pins and needles don’t attract either of them, never had a problem with anything except that Bechy likes to spread out over my sewing table and sometimes bat at the reel on the top of my machine :)… so if you decide to adopt an old cat from a shelter you will probably find it will be very happy to snooze in the sun and get a bit of love every now and again….
May 15, 2012 #
My kitty I had used to love to play with my sewing stuff or just lay on the cloth I had lying around…I sewing studio kitty would be great tho! Love the drawing…