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Negroni giveaway!

To help celebrate Celebrate the Boy month (is that redundant?), we’re doing a little giveaway for a free Negroni men’s shirt pattern.

This is a really great pattern for learning some new techniques around sewing for guys. And as a bonus, if you need a little extra help, cheerleading, and inspiration, Peter is still doing an awesome Sew-along with this pattern!

All you have to do to win is post a comment and let me know who you’d like to make the Negroni for (whether it’s yourself or someone else). I’ll keep the comments open for 24 hours, then choose a winner using a random number generator. Good luck!

Sarai Mitnick


Sarai started Colette back in 2009. She believes the primary role of a business should be to help people. She loves good books, sewing with wool, her charming cats, working in her garden, and eating salsa.



February 18, 2011 #

I would make the Negroni for my new husband. I’ve just made him a suit jacket and pants so a shirt is all that’s left :)


February 18, 2011 #

for my darling DP


February 18, 2011 #

Definitely my husband! He likes a nice slim shirt and the big 4 patterns only ever have these awful voluminous ones. It would be fun to make him a Negroni and play around with some of the pocket options you posted.


February 18, 2011 #

I would make this shirt for my long time bf. He would look fantastic in a fitted shirt. :)


February 18, 2011 #

Hi Sarai – I would make this short for my boyfriend. He’s been working on weight training and body sculpting in the last year, he’s shown immense dedication to it, and his achievements are amazing – but now none of his shirts fit across his chest and shoulders! Which has been fine during the winter, as he’s in t shirts and jumpers, but come spring, he’s going to be needing some more shorts that fit his figure. I’d love love love to be able to make him something that fits him properly – and I’d love to show him how proud I am of his dedication, by putting time and effort of my own into something for him.

I’ve wanted a copy of the Negroni pattern for a while but we’re belt tightening at the moment, so I’ve resisted buying it. To win a copy would be super.

Good luck everyone! x


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make this for my hubby-to-be, too! I think the short-sleeve version first, since it will soon be summer. And then I will knit him a sweater. I might be a scientist, but I do not test superstitions.


February 18, 2011 #

I would LOVE to make this shirt for my boyfriend of almost 4 years. He is such an amazing guy, always popping in when I’m sewing to see how things are coming along, listens to my complaints when I’m using (my favorite tool) the seam ripper, and always compliments the stuff I make (even if it looks weird)! I’m sure he would be OVER THE MOON if I made him something!

Also- his New Year’s resolution was to wear nicer clothes and make an effort with fashion. I think the Negroni would definitely be a good start.


February 18, 2011 #

I would make this shirt for my fiancé, so that he could wear it the day after the wedding.


February 18, 2011 #

I would make one for my husband and one for my father.

beth lehman

February 18, 2011 #

my husband – he gets nothing, you know. this shirt looks so sweet – i might have to make one for myself, too!


February 18, 2011 #

I would make it for my boyfriend. He keeps getting jealous that I never sew anything for him!


February 18, 2011 #

I’d love to make one for my husband. Thanks for the generous give away!


February 18, 2011 #

I would make the Negroni to my dear husband who is very supportive when I sew (even if I show him the same thing over and over again with just a new seam in it ;) )


February 18, 2011 #

I would make lots for my OH, who practically lives in shirts!
Ashley x


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make it for Mr. Cleaver. I made him a shirt for Christmas (I had cut it out before Negroni came out), which he loves and wears and I love to make him another.


February 18, 2011 #

I would make this shirt for my little brother, who appreciates things made by hand and could use some nice clothes for his new teaching job.

Ashley Bailey

February 18, 2011 #

I’d make it for my husband, who would look super cute in this!


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make one for my boyfriend, in cotton with flower-print (Liberty-style) and one for my dad in plaid flannel


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make one in a nice lightweight cotton for my boyfriend. Thanks!


February 18, 2011 #

I really would like to make a Negroni for my husband!


February 18, 2011 #

I’m definitely selfish enough to sew this for myself! :)


February 18, 2011 #

Definately be making one for my hubby who is lost in the fashion wilderness!


February 18, 2011 #

I would make this for my very slender boyfriend. I would love to learn to make him shirts that fit well.


February 18, 2011 #

For my darling husband… in seersucker, of course.


February 18, 2011 #

For my husband! I have never sewn for him before but I’d love to try!


February 18, 2011 #

For my husband! I’ve never sewn menswear (except a hoodie for a friend) and would love to give it a shot… plus, he needs more shirts!


February 18, 2011 #

I would make one for my partner. He rightly moans I never sewn anything for him.


February 18, 2011 #

I saw this on the Collette blog cut on the bias…I want to make that for my husband!


February 18, 2011 #

I would love to make shirts for my boyfriend! He is very proud of my sewing skills and has been wanting me to sew for him more. :)


February 18, 2011 #

I would love to have a go at making this for my Monkey of a boyfriend – not least because I have spent the past 6 months knitting him a jumper and it still isn’t finished! Something sewn would be a LOT quicker – and he is a fussy pants about his shirts so this would be perfect as he will have it made to order!

thanks! :o)


February 18, 2011 #

I think Negroni would look great on my boyfriend! I’d love to make a shirt for him.


February 18, 2011 #

I would make the shirt for my husband as I sew all his shirts and slacks.

Thank you
Marie Roche


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make it for my hubby! He love button ups and I’d love to be able to make him some!


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make it for my husband, who hasn’t ever worn a proper fitting shirt, because a large neck size means a huge shirt on him. The fun part for me is that he will wear absolutely any kind of fabric design.

Lisa B

February 18, 2011 #

For my hubby. He’d love it!


February 18, 2011 #

I would make this for my husband, and for my brothers, who really need a helping hand when it comes to style.

Colleen E

February 18, 2011 #

I’d make it for my husband, he really wants me to make him a shirt!


February 18, 2011 #

I would love to have this pattern for my boyfriend with whom I have been together for almost 9 years very soon. I would make him a Negroni for our anniversary.


February 18, 2011 #

Ooh, I would LOVE to make some good shirts for my bf. Some good flannel for huggability!


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make negroni for my boyfriend. He could use a new shirt!

Katie H.

February 18, 2011 #

I’d love to try this out for my hubby.


February 18, 2011 #

I would love to make these for my husband, dad, and father-in-law…all three are wonderful tall men with broad shoulders and long arms.


February 18, 2011 #

The pattern looks great! I’d love to make one…or several!


February 18, 2011 #

oh, i have been wanting to sew a negroni shirt for my husband for several months! he’s the only one of my family that i have never sewn for.


February 18, 2011 #

I would make two! One for my husband and one for my 12 year old son who wears a men’s size now. It’s such a great classic style!


February 18, 2011 #

I would make one for me! I’m a papa who sews for my boys, and it would be great to make something for me as well! So hard to find good men’s patterns.

Laura S.

February 18, 2011 #

I would sew one for my husband, of course. He loves it when I sew things for him! :)


February 18, 2011 #

I would definitely sew it for my bf because he always brags to his coworkers about his one shirt that I’ve made him. and this pattern would be so much better than that one.


February 18, 2011 #

for my husband:):) he’d be tickled pink if I made him something!!!!


February 18, 2011 #

I would make this for my frog prince (bf) he’d love it as I’ve never sewn him anything before and he deserves a special treat after fighting bi-polar. x


February 18, 2011 #

The other day, my husband actually suggested that I try making him some clothes! I was really surprised, as he has never really expressed an interest in hand-made garments for himself. I would love to win this pattern, because it looks like the perfect style for him! Thank you for the chance :)


February 18, 2011 #

I agree Negroni is a wonderful shirt’s pattern. I have done many shirts for my two little boys, so it would be my husband’s turn!


February 18, 2011 #

I would love to make this shirt for my brother, he love dress shirts. My hubbby on the other hand refuses to wear wnything other than a tshirt or polo…


February 18, 2011 #

Hubby would be the first, maybe a few for my dad. Thanks for the tut on the seams too, I have been looking for ways to make my sewing more professional.


February 18, 2011 #

I would love to sew this shirt for the very particular men in my life. I have two older sons who only buy really nice clothes. They would rather have a few quality items in their closet as opposed to lots of cheaper wear. My 18 year old saw a picture of the negroni shirt and was instantly in love….


February 18, 2011 #

i would love to make a shirt for my hubby, but have never attempted it. we now have a little boy expected (after 3 girls) and i need to learn male clothing pronto- lol.


February 18, 2011 #

I would love to make one of these for my brother as he is off to Uni and Its his first time on making it alone in the big wide world. I think he should have an awesome shirt to do it in! x


February 18, 2011 #

I’d love to make this for my husband. I think it would help to ease him out of his Threadless t-shirt comfort zone.


February 18, 2011 #


My male Axel is very neglected when it comes to my sewing, even through I have filled the whole bedroom (where I also sew, often when he’s asleep) with fabric. I think he deserves a treat. He’s really into shirts, so a negroni would be a perfect gift.


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make this for my boyfriend, he’s all about button down shirts lately.


February 18, 2011 #

I would make it for my boy friend. He needs more shirts :)


February 18, 2011 #

I would make it for my boyfriend. I’ve been knitting him things recently, but have never sewn anything for him!

Lauree Myler

February 18, 2011 #

Yay for mens! i am so thrilled that you have this pattern. my man hates most shirts you buy in stores and loves thriftstore shirts except they dont tend to fit well. this shirt looks perfect!
thanks for a chance to win and for the fabulous tutes and great patterns!



February 18, 2011 #

One of my first big sewing projects as a teenager was a hawaiian style shirt for my father, for which my mother handed me a pattern she had used for him before, which had fit nicely, she said. So I went along, learning lots of things, and it turned out he had changed shape a bit in the intervening 20 years, and it wouldn’t close.
I haven’t done any menswear since, so I think as a healing exercise, I would do a negroni for my dad. Then maybe my husband afterwards, if the experience goes better :)


February 18, 2011 #

I know my husband is a little bummed that I don’t sew for him, so this would be a great opportunity for me to start. Thanks for the giveaway! I love your weekly sewing tips.

Carol H.

February 18, 2011 #

I’d love to make this shirt for my hubby. And if it goes well, perhaps I’d make shirts for my father and father-in-law. I figure Christmas is still 10 months away, so there’s time for that, right?

Christina P

February 18, 2011 #


Well, as yet the most I’ve done for my husband sewing-wise is patches…awfully practical and not exciting at all! I’d love to do a whole project for him, but have just been too intimidated/uninspired! This pattern looks great for him and me!

Crystal Stanworth

February 18, 2011 #

the hubs – i would love to see if i could make something up to his standard that he would actually wear. this looks like an amazing pattern and might actually end in success!!


February 18, 2011 #

I’d sew it for my boyfriend, of course! He has been begging me for a while, most RTW doesnt fit him (wide shoulders, tiny waist). When he heard of Peter’s sew-a-long he asked me to bookmark it. First time he’s paid attention to a sewing blog!


February 18, 2011 #

I want to make this for my husband, who has a super-long torso and has a hard time finding shirts! Thanks for offering it!


February 18, 2011 #

as most people said … my husband. :-)


February 18, 2011 #

I have been sewing for some time now and haven’t even thought of sewing for my husband! I would love the chance to make this shirt for him.

Sara Santti

February 18, 2011 #

My husband would love a shirt like this! I have never before tried sewing clothes for him, but this would be an awesome piece to start with! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Jessica Sorensen

February 18, 2011 #

I would love to try and make this shirt for my husband. I have never sewn for my husband and this would make a good fathers day present.


February 18, 2011 #

i’d make a negroni for my boyfriend. he wears the same 2 (identical) gray button-downs all the time and well…i think it’s time to branch out.


February 18, 2011 #

I would love to make a Negroni for my husband Tom. He likes it when I make him stuff!


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make it for my husband :)


February 18, 2011 #

I think I’d like to make one for my dad to wear to work–a real funky one. Also for my husband and brothers. Great pattern. Thanks for the op.!


February 18, 2011 #

Cool giveaway! I would definitely sew some shirts for my husband!


February 18, 2011 #

I’d like to make some shirts for my husband. I’ve only made him pj’s so far, but I want him to be able to show off my sewing skills ;-)


February 18, 2011 #

I’d like to make this for my boyfriend, but my sewing machine is on another continent than he is… So maybe my father in the end?


February 18, 2011 #

I will make it for my hubby, who needs to benefit from all the hours I spend at my machine!

Miranda Ley

February 18, 2011 #

My fiance’ could use some new shirts.


February 18, 2011 #

My hubby! Thanks for the great giveaway!


February 18, 2011 #

I would love to try this for my husband as I have yet to try to sew for him, but I can see him in this shirt!


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make the Negroni for my hubby. He wears buttoned up shirts all the time and it would be fun to make something to add to his wardrobe.


February 18, 2011 #

I would love to make this pattern for my husband!

Anne S.

February 18, 2011 #

I would love to use this pattern to make a shirt for my husband. I know the poor guy feels left out as far as my sewing goes. Thanks for the chance to win!

Tamara L.

February 18, 2011 #

I would love to sew this for my 21 year old son, who has “graduated” from tees to button down shirts. Scoliosis surgery left him with uneven shoulders and a small hump on his upper back, so RTW shirts just don’t hang right.
Husband, sadly, refuses to wear “homemade” clothes….


February 18, 2011 #

Another vote for “boyfriend”. Thanks for the chance!


February 18, 2011 #

i’d make a negroni for my baby brother :) ok, 20 years old kind of means he’s not a baby anymore, but he’s still a baby to me!! he’s been asking me & my mother to make him a nice button-up, because he can’t find any styles that fit him (he is very thin & he likes his shirts pretty fitted). he actually found some crazy anna marie horner fabric that he wanted one made out of :)
i never see him anymore because he moved 3 hours away to go to college, so this would be a good excuse to get him to visit me more! haha! i miss my baby brother!!


February 18, 2011 #

I would make one for my husband! He would love this shirt!


February 18, 2011 #

I’d make this shirt for my sweet-sweetie! It is the perfect style, and I can’t wait to try it with some fun fabrics!

Stephanie T.

February 18, 2011 #

I’d make one for my dad out of the Pendleton wool that’s been sitting in my closet since before my first was born. (oy)
Then one for my lovely hubby who is so kind with my sewing hobby and fabric stash. Love him.


February 18, 2011 #

This would be the perfect shirt pattern for my husband, brother, AND father who all happen to be about the same size! Especially with all the pocket alternatives to spice it up a bit… we could get some serious wear out of this pattern (pun intended!) :) Sure hope it comes home with me!


February 18, 2011 #

i would love to make a negroni for my husband. it’s hard for him to find shirts as he’s a big guy, but he’s also got extra vertebrae in his back which makes him extra long in the torso… if i could make him a shirt i could customize it to him :D


February 18, 2011 #

Currently I’m using a vintage pattern to make a men’s shirt for my son following along with Peter’s sew-along. He recommended the Negroni shirt and I would love to try the pattern but this being my self-enforced thrifty year I’m not buying new patterns so a chance to be in this give-away is lovely. My son has had to put up with me doing measurements and two fittings and has been fairly helpful and now I would love to make my two other sons and my husband a shirt too.


February 18, 2011 #

My boyfriend, in a red or green plaid flannel. It’s definitely his style, but he can’t seem to find any nice shirts that don’t swamp or strangle him. Definitely worn with nice jeans and his favourite winklepickers :)

Cameron H

February 18, 2011 #

I’d love to make this for my husband, who is always complaining that I never sew anything for him!


February 18, 2011 #

This shirt would be perfect for my husband. It’s completely his style and it would also be the first piece of clothing I would have sewn for him. Would love to give it a try!

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